Important Import Tips

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The TelcoMgr TELCO location file is related to the CIRCUITS, CPE and DIRECTORY files by a field named CusSysid.


Therefore, you must first add your TELCO locations in TelcoMgr prior to importing your CIRCUITS. For example:


The [CusSysId] for the Circuit record must match a Customer/Location SysID to appear inside the Circuits Tab of the Customer record.

If you enter a number in the [CusSysid] field that does not appear in the Customer/Location file as a SysId then the Circuit records will become orphaned or unassociated with a Customer/Location in the TELCO file.


FIRST, you must add your TELCO locations in TelcoMgr prior to importing your CIRCUITS.


NEXT, you must add the first column in your Excel sheet to have a CusSysid field and each Excel row must be populated with the appropriate and corresponding CusSysid from the TELCO file of TelcoMgr.